My Google/Youtube/Facebook Censorship (yes, it is not just Google and Facebook).

All that I have shared from the Bible is what the powers have censored. Nothing more nothing less. Again, it is just out of the Word of God. The Powers hate the Word of God. What you read next is the INFORMATION you need to know AND DO to get the seal of the Kingdom.

How do we enter the Kingdom? Again, what I am going to share is from the Word of God. What you are going to read is not taught by the Christian church. This is why I do not call myself a Christian and I am not a member of any religion.

Note: Dr Munroe did not learn about kingdoms and the Kingdom of God from any theological university. No school as far as I know teaches it (Dr Munroe confirms this). He developed his own study and taught on it. Danger: After Benny Hinn spoke to Myles, he did not change his approach to God. Today, Benny is still deep into pushing religion. At this stage, I pray that your eyes are open and that you will have the courage to break free and get out of religion (as I have). You will be free. The truth will MAKE you free 

The First Step. 

We must be in a Covenant with God/King to get into His Kingdom. What is a covenant? A covenant is an agreement between two or more people. There are two requirements we must agree to with our King/God.  What are they? It is written (Rem: only from the Bible comes our direction).

In the Old Testament, our King said:

Deut 5:10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me (1) and keep my commandments (2).

In the New Testament, our King said:

John 14:15-16 If ye love me (1), keep my commandments (2). 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Our two requirements are, love our King (1) and keep His commandments (2). When we do what our King says out of love, He will have mercy (God’s part of the agreement is to give us His mercy - Deut 5:10) on us. In the New Testament, His mercy can be seen in Him giving the believer/saint/citizen the comforter (Holy Ghost). Notice, when we get the comforter, He will NEVER leave us or forsake us (for ever). Who is the comforter? He is the Holy Ghost/God.

If you have the mind to seek His Kingdom it must mean that you have a mind of Repentance.


More on the Covenant – THE BIBLE WAY.

Billy Sunday began the unbiblical sinners' prayer - see presentation 2 (History) – Man’s way.

Meet Billy Sunday: the man who started the popular but unbiblical, “sinners’ prayer.”

Next, Part 3 will be on the Second Step (2 weeks). 

If your eyes have been opened, part 3 is for you. My job is almost over, I will pass the baton on to you to share the word as He commanded. More on this in Part 3.

Next tw-013

#BajanEagleTheWay | #BajanEagle 



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