To those who have been following my posts and have had their eyes opened, we are now on our last step (Pt 3 - Gospel of the Kingdom ends) before we go out into the world. 

Why do I share this message about God’s Kingdom on WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube, Websites, in person, etc? Easy answer: I LOVE you, and I have a heart to see others in God’s Kingdom with me. So, my love, time, and money, are directed towards you. It is all about love. May the King grant you understanding. 

A Quick Recap.

1. We have a King (Yeshua/Jesus).

2. To join His Kingdom our King requires us to love Him and keep His commandments (covenant).

3. Pt 3 – What is His Love and what are His commandments?

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TAKE NOTE: What I shared was A STUDY

Did you not study for long hours to receive your diploma from man? What about God, will you not study to understand how to receive eternal life?

God will ONLY approve us if we study His word. Read.

2Tim 2:15 STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

If you love someone would you not study them? Would you not learn about them and learn their likes and dislikes? How can you truly please someone if you do not study/know them?

If you say you love Him and are not moved to know (study) Him, do you truly love him? 

Get Approved.

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To love our King, He did not ask us to go for a moonlight walk. He did not ask us to have a late-night dinner with a glass of wine. To love our King, He asked us to keep His commandments. Love is about submission and obedience. Read.

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

Our understanding of love is a result of a Roman creation that was birthed in the eighteenth century. The word Romance should be a clear hint. One more hint - Roman Catholic Church.

Understanding love.

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A few things you may not know.

1. The word commandments seen in the New Testament is GREEK ἐντολή entole. In the Old Testament, it is the same word commandments in HEBREW מִצוָה mitsvah (New Testament was written in Greek and the Old Testament was written in Hebrew). When the people spoke in Yeshua’s time there was no New Testament book. If you asked Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc, to show you the New Testament book (NT), they would not know what you were talking about. They could tell you about gospels, epistles, acts, revelation, and of course scripture (OT). Why? The first New Testament book (Mark) was written around 32AD. The last one (Revelation) was written years later. The NT book was put together in about 320AD.

2. He did not say love me and keep 1, 2, 9, or 10 commandments, He said keep my commandments. What does this mean? Keep His Commandments refer to all. Depending on who you speak to, Christians say there are only 1, 2, 9, and 10 commandments. Just ask them to show from the Bible where it says there are only 10, 2, or 1, that we must follow and you will get no response. Why? There is none, they follow the words of men NOT God. 



Next… Now that you understand His love and the need to keep His commandments (Torah) and understand them, What Next? repent (covered already in pt2) and Be Baptised.

Next tw-014

#BajanEagleTheWay | #BajanEagle 



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