INTRODUCTION to Bajan Eagle's sharing of the Gospel of the Kingdom
This blog is for the sharing of God's Gospel of the Kingdom by Bajan Eagle. This is a study. For it to have any meaning, we will need to un-brainwash you. The MANY in this world are in Gospels of Religion and the commandments of men and not the Gospel of the God's Kingdom and His Rightiousness . This message/blog is based on the Gospel of the Kingdom and His Rightiousness (law) . Those who are in Christian religions are not aware that most of what they do is not in the Bible they carry. I put it this way, Christians carry the Bible, but they do not follow it. Let today be where thinking for yourself begins. Join me in the journey of understanding the Gospel of the Kingdom. Read from tw-002 (start on Historical background) to tw-007 Read from tw-008 to start the Kingdom Message study to tw-015 STOP the lies - Read this to get un-brainwashed with understanding WHY I DO THIS WORK AND SHARE THIS? When...