
INTRODUCTION to Bajan Eagle's sharing of the Gospel of the Kingdom

This blog is for the sharing of God's Gospel of the Kingdom by Bajan Eagle. This is a study. For it to have any meaning, we will need to  un-brainwash  you. The MANY in this world are in  Gospels of Religion and the commandments of men  and not the  Gospel of the God's Kingdom and His Rightiousness . This message/blog is based on the  Gospel of the Kingdom and His  Rightiousness (law) . Those who are in Christian religions are not aware that most of what they do is not in the Bible they carry. I put it this way,  Christians carry the Bible, but they do not follow it.  Let today be where thinking for yourself begins.   Join me in the journey of understanding the Gospel of the Kingdom.  Read from tw-002 (start on Historical background)  to tw-007 Read from tw-008 to start the Kingdom Message study  to tw-015 STOP the lies - Read this to get un-brainwashed with understanding  WHY I DO THIS WORK AND SHARE THIS? When...

Go ye into the World and Teach the Nations - tw-015

Congratulations! You are now at the last step of our journey and it is your turn to teach others (the Nations). We should continue to study His word to get a better understanding of Him who called us. Each day as we love our Lord more and more, our relationship with Him should get stronger and stronger. Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: The King said "go ye," meaning everyone who is called by His name should go.  As you go to the nations, with God's help I will provide the support you need. MY RECOMMENDED APPROACH TO UNBELIEVERS AND THE DECEIVED What I shared with you every two weeks has been posted here on my blog (Starting from tw-002 and ending at tw-015). Treat it as a template and adjust the wording that best suits the people you know. You can go to the INTRODUCTION page and start from there. People will only have to start with the introduction page and follow on at ...

Repent and Be Baptized - tw-014

Now that I have shared the Gospel of the Kingdom message with you, what next? The next thing that comes with accepting the Kingdom is to express your love to the King by doing what He says (obedience) -  If you love Him, keep His Commandments.  If you love Him you should first repent of ALL your sins. Second, you are commanded to be  Baptized. Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Are you ready to be Baptized; to be submerged in water, and have it done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?  If you want to be Baptized as commanded in the word of God? If you were not submerged, and baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, click on the link and register to be Baptized. It does not matter what country you are in, together we will work with you to find someone with the understanding. UNDERSTANDING BAPTISM. REGISTER TO BE BAPTIZED   ...


To those who have been following my posts and have had their eyes opened, we are now on our last step (Pt 3 - Gospel of the Kingdom ends) before we go out into the world.  Why do I share this message about God’s Kingdom on WhatsApp, Facebook, Youtube, Websites, in person, etc? Easy answer: I LOVE you, and I have a heart to see others in God’s Kingdom with me. So, my love, time, and money, are directed towards you. It is all about love. May the King grant you understanding.  A Quick Recap. 1. We have a King (Yeshua/Jesus). 2. To join His Kingdom our King requires us to love Him and keep His commandments (covenant). 3. Pt 3 – What is His Love and what are His commandments? ----  -- TAKE NOTE: What I shared was A STUDY Did you not study for long hours to receive your diploma from man? What about God, will you not study to understand how to receive eternal life? God will ONLY approve us if we study His word. Read. 2Tim 2:15 STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God , a workma...


My Google/Youtube/Facebook Censorship (yes, it is not just Google and Facebook). All that I have shared from the Bible is what the powers have censored. Nothing more nothing less. Again, it is just out of the Word of God. The Powers hate the Word of God. What you read next is the INFORMATION you need to know AND DO to get the seal of the Kingdom. How do we enter the Kingdom? Again, what I am going to share is from the Word of God. What you are going to read is not taught by the Christian church. This is why I do not call myself a Christian and I am not a member of any religion. Note: Dr Munroe did not learn about kingdoms and the Kingdom of God from any theological university. No school as far as I know teaches it (Dr Munroe confirms this). He developed his own study and taught on it. Danger: After Benny Hinn spoke to Myles, he did not change his approach to God. Today, Benny is still deep into pushing religion. At this stage, I pray that your eyes are open and that you will have the c...


Short answer A. The Kingdom and His Righteousness.  Long answer. UNDERSTANDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD OUR JOURNEY - I have shared a bit about myself and what I do in The Truth of the Gospel Ministry. I then shared about our unique book, the Bible, and how special it is. More importantly, I dealt with which Bible we should use. You should know why all of my Biblical references are from the King James version (Not the New KJV version, as this too was corrupted). Now I take you to the Bible Gospel and NOT THE CHRISTIAN GOSPEL.  MAN’S GOSPEL (CHRISTIAN) Put Jesus in your heart. whatever this means Join a church and become a member. it is not about membership Man’s Gospel keepers will be the Many that are called (not chosen). The Many say lord, lord and they cast out demons in His name etc. They will be told to DEPART FROM HIS PRESENCE BECAUSE OF INIQUITY. You cannot get into God’s Kingdom with iniquity (Matt 7:21-23).   THE BIBLE’S GOSPEL - TRUTH The Gospel is about a King, ...


My friend,  I was going to go to the next post called, In God what/who should we put First? This has changed due to responses on the topic, “Which Bible…” - part 1 . I have prepared a page that will show you how to identify “Corrupted Bibles” and also speak to what is “Political Correctness” and how to deal with it; found in Bible translations. You can scroll down the page and start to read after, “Apologist Response to Jared.” There is a link at the bottom of the page that will take you to a documentary about the making of the King James Bible. I pray you enjoy this study. Last, there is also a 2-minute video of the Co-Editor of the NASB Dr. Frank Logston who confesses sadness over his work. Next tw-011 #BajanEagleTheWay | #BajanEagle  SHARE IF YOU CARE 💚